
Alternative Healing
What is Universal Life Force Energy?
Each country, each culture, has its own understanding and name for what is commonly acknowledged as Life Force Energy. Energy healing enhances this Universal force in unique ways depending on the healing modality being used. Life Force Energy Healing is based on the principle of resonance and entrainment. In physics, entrainment theory is the process where two vibrating objects, vibrating at different speeds, start to vibrate at the same speed when energy is transferred between the two.
A practitioner is someone who has learnt to focus and amplify their energy, and with intention, aid in the increase in frequency of their clients energy in order to facilitate healing throughout the whole person. Depending on the healing modality, better known as different therapy techniques for those who are learning for the first time about alternative energy healing, the mode of energy transfer from practitioner to client will vary from either light touch, distant energy intention, and vibration of breath.

Feel the radiant glow of "laying on hands"
A Japanese form of energy healing that treats the whole person physically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. By laying hands either lightly or just off the body, this form of therapy seeks to transmit Universal Life Energy to you with the intention to create deep relaxation, help speed healing, reduce pain, and decrease other symptoms you may be experiencing.
Non-invasive and can be done either distantly or hands on.
Choose between either 30 or 60 minute sessions

Quantum Touch
Increase your frequency
The intention of this healing modality is to increase your Life Force Energy which in theory will affect you on a quantum, subatomic level, and work its way up through your atoms, molecules, cells, tissues, and structure. By a combination of various breathing and body awareness exercises, I am able to amplify and resonate at a higher energy frequency which will call forth your body's biological intelligence in order to match the frequency of my own Life Force Energy. With focusing high frequency on and around an area of pain, stress, inflammation or disease, the body's natural healing mechanism should amplify it's ability to heal.
Quantum Touch can be worked either in person, or distantly via phone or online meetup.
30 or 60 minute sessions are available
Tong Ren
Restore your health and vitality
Based on the belief that disease is related to interruptions, or blockages, in the body's natural flow of Life Force Energy, neural bioelectricity, blood, and hormones, Tong Ren seeks to remove these blockages by drawing on the Jungian theory of the "collective unconscious".
This distant healing practice is believed to tap into the Universal energy and direct it to you, the client, by use of an anatomical human modal. This modal is used as an energetic representation, and with the tapping of a magnetic hammer on target points, will direct Life Force Energy to blockage points corresponding to your aliments and conditions. Therefore, by breaking down resistance at these points, aid to restore the bodies natural ability to heal.
This healing modality is worked distantly, and starts with a free consultation either by phone or online meetup.

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”